General Terms and Conditions

All orders planed with Alaska Bear Spray Rentals are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Rental days are defined as a specific day(e.g. Friday) and not a 24 hour period. For example, if you pickup your bear spray on a Friday and return it on a Saturday, this would be considered a two day rental.
  • No refunds will be given for cancellations within 7 days of your reservation date. Cancellation prior to that will be refunded the rental price minus 3.5% which is necessary to cover the credit card fees which are not refunded back to us.
  • Failure to return a rental on the due date will result in the automatic purchase of the canister at a price of $75.00.
  • A damaged or spent canister will result in the automatic purchase of the canister at a price of $75.00.

Furthermore, in consideration of the services of Alaska Bear Spray Rental LLC, their owners, agents, employees, and all other persons or entities associated the business (hereafter collectively referred to as “Alaska Bear Spray Rental”), you, the customer, acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • I agree to be informed on the proper use of bear spray and best practices for being outdoors in bear country. This includes, at a minimum, reading and watching the videos and documents list under the “The Essentials” section of our “How To Use Bear Spray” webpage.
  • I acknowledge that Alaska Bear Spray Rental has taken reasonable steps to provide me with the appropriate equipment and instructions for me to properly use this equipment.
  • I acknowledge that bear spray is a deterrent and is not 100% effective.
  • I acknowledge that traveling in bear country has inherent risks that are not eliminated by carrying bear spray. This risks may cause severe injury or even death in extreme cases.
  • I assume and accept full responsibility for the inherent risks identified in this agreement and those risks that are no specifically identified. My participation in activities requiring bear spray along with the renting of bear spray and the decision to carry bear spray is purely voluntary and no one is forcing me to participant, rent bear spray, or carry it.
  • I agree that I am capable of responsibly carrying bear spray and properly use it should its use be necessary.
  • I agree to keep any bear spray canisters that I have rented from Alaska Bear Spray Rental safe, secure, and away from any children or minors who may not be able to safety operate or be around an unsupervised canister.