Info, News, and Updates from Alaska Bear Spray Rental...

Where To Buy Bear Spray in Anchorage?

Where To Buy Bear Spray

A legitimate question that is asked by a lot of people and believe it or not, we will actually answer this question for you. First, however, you have to consider the also very legitimate question of why do you want to buy bear spray? For most visitors, it just doesn’t make sense to purchase a can of bear spray and … Full Story

Best Places To View Bears in Alaska

Bear Viewing in Alaska

You might think that a bear spray company would be telling you about how to reduce your chances of seeing a bear while you are visiting Alaska but we actually want you to see these beautiful animals. What we don’t want to happen is a negative human/bear encounter and we have advice all over our website on how to reduce … Full Story

Do I Need a Permit To Buy or Rent Bear Spray?

Permit Required?

This is an obvious and reasonable question that comes up from time to time. Do I need a permit to buy, rent, or carry bear spray? The simple and quick answer is no. In the state of Alaska you do not need a permit. I believe that this is the case for all 50 states but since we rent bear … Full Story

Bear Spray Is Like a Heart Surgeon

Bear Spray Heart Surgeon

I really wanted to open this with something like “A can of bear spray and a heart surgeon walk into a bar together…” but alas I couldn’t find a way to make a joke out of this subject. Not to get off on an unrelated tangent but if you can think of a way to finish that statement (and make … Full Story

Can Bear Spray Be Used on a Moose?

The Alaskan Moose

The technical answer to this question would be yes but you could also “use” bear spray against a brick wall if you wanted to. The real question should be “Is bear spray effective against a moose?”. Another obvious follow up question to this would be whether moose in Alaska are aggressive or a threat. We know that bears can be … Full Story

The Anchorage Bear Population

Anchorage Bear

The City Anchorage is home to almost 300,000 Alaskans, which represents about 40% of the state population. In 2022, 1.8 million people traveled through the international airport here. People from all over the world use this city as a starting point for their Alaskan vacation. With easy access to hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing, Anchorage offers visitors ample things to … Full Story

The Alaskan Bear

The Alaskan Bear

There are three different types of bears that call Alaska home: black bears, brown bears, and polar bears. In terms of numbers, black bears are the largest of the three with an estimated 100,000 black bears in Alaska. Brown bears, while not as abundant, have healthy and productive populations numbering around 30,000 in Alaska. This represents 98% of the United … Full Story